
Imagen de funcionamiento de la sembradora de maíz de 4 hileras.

Sembradora de maíz Taizy de 4 hileras a la venta en Kenia

In March 2023, a Kenyan customer approached us with a specific requirement: a 4 row maize planter equipped with a tractor.

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Envío de la fresadora de sémola de maíz.

Máquina para fabricar harina de maíz Taizy a la venta en Filipinas

In May of 2022, a client wanted to engage in a new business in the corn processing category. With a vision to enhance their corn processing capabilities, he turned to....

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maquina desgranadora de maiz

Desgranadora de maíz eléctrica a la venta en Zambia

With more and more attention being paid to the mechanized production of agriculture in Zambia, many people begin to use machines instead of manpower. In May 2022, Zambian customers bought....

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granos de maíz frescos

Máquina desgranadora de maíz dulce enviada a Singapur

In March 2022, the sweet corn sheller machine of Taizy Machinery was sent to Singapore. Singapore Customer Order Details Daniel, a client in Singapore, is the owner of a small....

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4 row corn picker

Recolector de maíz Taizy de 4 hileras a la venta en Sudáfrica

As a common corn processing equipment, the corn harvester can not be separated from it in the busy season. In February 2022, the South African customer received the 4 row....

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industrial corn thresher

¡Se ha entregado la máquina trilladora de maíz del cliente de México!

The multifunctional maize threshing machine purchased by Mexican customers was delivered yesterday! Receive customer inquiry On August 10, we received an inquiry from Mexico. He wrote in the email that....

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picture of the cabinet

Sembradora de maíz de 6 hileras a la venta en Ghana

In November 2021, the Ghanaian customer purchased an 6 row maize planter from us! Why do customers buy 6 row maize planter? As one of the main food crops in....

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sémola de maíz

¡La máquina para fabricar sémola de maíz se envió a Filipinas!

In June 2022, the Philippine customer ordered a maize grits making machine from our company. Customer background Nathan, a Filipino customer, runs an agricultural materials store. In order to increase....

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